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Recording on the CD Virtuoso
Often I try to mix classical forms with modern musical content. In this Violin Concerto the form is the classical sonata form in three movements, while the content is a musical language related to the tango. The form is austere, academic but the content is, in some way, passionate, transgressive. As in a drama, sometimes something new is born from such "meetings". At other times those opponents just don't blend. But now and then something interesting happens and it's really quite a thrill when it does.
First Performance: November 26, 2014 - Tokyo Kioi Hall, Japan
 Performers: Iwao Furusawa - Solo Violin. Members of the Berliner Philharmoniker: Laurentius Dinca,Stephan Schulze,
Ignacy Miecznikowski,Christoph Igelbrink,Stanislaw Pajak